PIR weekend

More photos from PIR

Just realized I had not mentioned that the photos we took at Portland are, as usual, on our website. Since my friend Doug B (thanks for the shade and stool Doug!) got in his bit on this thread, I'll do the same...
User name - gerryf
Password - rainbow
Thanks to CSCC for all the access and hospitality. I didn't think it was excessively hot, thanks to the low humidity, but then, I wasn't in a car!
Gerry F
ICSCC Historian
something about this weekend, last year it was 106 on friday and 101 ,100 on sat and sun. so to me being in the low 90s was ok. i also was not in my race car this time. i did stop by during saturday
You must have found a cool spot, my tire pyro showed 98 sitting on the tool box, this was in the shade.I ran the friday practice for 20 minutes and it was HOT. Kudos to all those who made it the thirty minutes without keeling over. The biggest issue I had with the heat was packing up Sunday afternoon. I like hot weather, but not working in it.

Sunday my temp gun showed 127 track temp, 98 air temp and 107 in the cab on pregrid. Didn't even want to know how hot it was after the race.