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  1. Ken Killam

    2014 Schedule

    No one's talking, Lance. So i'm going to go ahead and speculate to the aghast of any that think that's an improper use of the forum. Rumo(u)rs and all. CSCC and TC wouldn't budge on the the March 29 for drivers' schools. IRDC's June race @ The Ridge, Race #2 is still conflicting with ORSCCA...
  2. Ken Killam

    Check your calendars

    What if we don't want to wait until the next Memo? Is there a reporter on the scene to inform the board of insinuated intensions to create numerous rumours with multi-pull scenarios qualifying the validity of each assumption? Carry on.
  3. Ken Killam

    Check your calendars

    The ICSCC Spring Executive Board Meeting is slated for January, 11th at the Sea-Tac Marriott (if that's still the name) Conflicts? What conflicts? BYOPC. Let's get this season started already.
  4. Ken Killam

    2014 rules changes results

    I wonder. This seems to be the same situation that ICSCC may have gone through with SCCA, National office back some 40-ish years ago as they were writing rules that would include 'other' sanction' cars in similar class structure. Diligence toward NASA by obliging those racers in the area that...
  5. Ken Killam

    ORP 2014 in reverse?

    Pete, You knew that, and I knew that. Now everybody knows that. ;-)
  6. Ken Killam

    Another track in the neighborhood?

    Is this on the ICSCC radar? Does IRDC want another track to run at? 2.8 miles.
  7. Ken Killam


    Thank you, Mr. Barg I cannot remember the year of the last T/A at Seattle International Raceway as it was called in 1984. The Ultimate Racing History link lists "Pacific Raceways". That was my novice year of with F&C and I thought that their last event was a year or so later. Hopkins Int'l...
  8. Ken Killam

    More track time or more racing? :brainstorm session:

    It's been awhile since I've really read this very closely. 703. Scheduling of events A. The grouping of classes for qualifying and racing shall be as designated for race groups in 703. D. and E. Practice sessions shall follow the same rotation whenever possible, but practice groups may be...
  9. Ken Killam

    Practice, practice, practice.

    Here's a guy that might ring a Bell, Greg. With Steve Leonard, Bob Smethers, and Greg Bell, Ric Farrar, Don Smethers Holly Remington (recognize anyone yet?) and Peggy Ann Walker combining forces to bring 'Rusty' back out of his...
  10. Ken Killam

    Conference History Site

    I have it on good authority... that Wes was, in fact abducted, but when they got him to the mother ship, they discovered that they didn't have an anal probe small enough so they sent him back. Also, he won't remember any of it.
  11. Ken Killam

    NASA in the PacNW in 2013

    From NASA's 2012 CCR "11.4.20 Tow Eyes It is STRONGLY recommended that all vehicles have at least two (2) easily accessible (and usable) tow eyes; one (1) in front and one (1) in back. They must not protrude dangerously from the car, and they must be accessible without manipulation of the...
  12. Ken Killam


    I don't disagree Wes. Probably if you were to create a morph of Chumpferance it would cover a fairly broad spectrum of endurance-style race craft. From 'off the used car lot' stock to the 'purpose-built this way' formula go mobiles. What they do share are those entries, and that participation...
  13. Ken Killam

    Loss of another friend??

    I know we're all gonna miss Jerry. I hope we can have a bit of a toast to his life and contributions to our great sport at the next IRDC event... maybe?
  14. Ken Killam

    IRDC Logo

  15. Ken Killam

    A little help? CSCC to provide volunteer marshals to the T-n-T TOMORROW @ PIR

    What could you possibly be doing that is more fun than that? If you've got no good answer to that we could sure use your help. Drivers, marshals, family, friends your participation is welcome. Because the Portland Historics races actually start tomorrow…It’s taken awhile for me to get all the...
  16. Ken Killam

    TC Race Annoncement-- Double Dipper Grand Prix II and Driver Training

    Tracking the Double Dipper Grand Prix II~~~ Watch for the bumps.
  17. Ken Killam

    And So It Begins

    Bring your friends, your cousins, sister, brother, boss. Make a race season of memories for them by getting involved with motorsports from the ground up. Grab flag today, a wheel tomorrow. It's no mystery, you just gotta believe. You can do it. For those in the Vanc/Portland area, a race...
  18. Ken Killam

    Race suit rule question

    "... he thought the car might catch fire after it finally stopped somersaulting" I'll echo that same fear from the perspective of response to those incidents. Often the trade off is comfort for security. Best of luck in your choices.
  19. Ken Killam

    Bill Carr

    Just Smilin' Bill "Wino" Carr His spirit remains.
  20. Ken Killam

    How do you spell "Lucky to live through it?"

    As the question of regulations regarding open cockpit cars might seem over emphasized to some, view this video and consider the odds at your next event. I love Cobras, and I hate to see what happens to them when they have any...