when is the Spring Meeting


Well-known member
I looked on the ICSCC website, but they have not listing the date for the Spring Meeting.
Do we know when and where the meeting will be held?
The inside line has the meeting Jan.8th. Every year it seems to be ICSCC's best kept secret. The location has been the Auburn, Peppertree Best Western, but now that the word is out...
Correction......The Spring Meeting is Jan.8th at the Sea-Tac Marriot 9am - 5pm.

The RATS meeting is at the Peppertree in Auburn around the end of Feb. The final date will be released at the Spring Meeting.
Just got that date nailed down last week I think. The RATS meeting will be on Feb 26th, 9am-4pm at the Peppertree Best Western in Auburn, WA. I tried for the tentative date I mentioned at the Fall Meeting, but the room was already booked at the hotel.
Other than expecting this information to be published in the Memo each year, we should all be, as I have been made aware of, it's existence in the PnP manual.

> Directors shall meet
> immediately following the annual meeting of the members,
> for the purpose of election of officers of the Corporation
> and the transaction of other business. The Board shall also
> hold a regular semi-annual meeting on the second full
> weekend in the month of January of each year. The Annual
> Meeting and the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board shall be
> held at the Registered Office of the Conference, or at such
> other suitable place as may be stated in a notice to be
> mailed in the time and manner as hereinafter provided for
> notices of Special Meetings.​

Thank you for your input, Kevin

My "now that the word is out..." comment was most certainly intended to be facetious, and present a more tonque-in-cheek style. Noses must have been bent... up.

So, if I have truly offended someone, or if my attitude is considered as one that, after a quarter of a century of participation (as newly defined) is in some way detrimental to the overall well being of the ICSCC, or detrimental to it's image within the racing community, then I must refer you to the disclaimer at the bottom of each of my posts, and say to those that are prone to regarding these kind of innocuous statements as some personal affront, "FWIW".


Everybody should attempt to attend the (Jan) Spring meeting though (as noted above) wherever you read, or hear about it. There are a number of interesting issues that may/will be discussed.

Besides confirming the ICSCC Championship Series schedule, "So many tracks. So little time.", stay tuned for the next exciting episode of...

"How low can you go." The dropping of PRO7 floor pans.
"Let's not stick our necks out.",

Hans-device-working.jpg No Hans-device.jpg


"Look Ma, No HANS!"

Look ma no HANS.jpg

How could anybody possibly stand to miss these exciting issues.

God Bless these United States, and our freedom of self expression​

Okay Steve,
cuff me.jpg
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As a matter of fact, yes, and this week has been particularly slow, Steve. Can we just get the heck out of 2010 and move on please?

Multi-tasking emails, forum posts and work, can sometime lead to cross threading, Randy. I explained in my edit field... I think.
Honestly the E-Board meeting would be turned into a shambles if everyone in Conference decided to attend. After the first two dozen were seated the rest would have to wait in the courtyard watching a small chimney for colored smoke ....

If I were so bold as to make a suggestion for a better use of your time -

1) Attend you chosen member club's regularly scheduled meetings and let your desires be known to your fellow members and the officers of your club. A very small percentage of racers participate in their own club.

2) If you attend regularly and have something useful to contribute, it is highly likely that you will be drafted into an official position with your club - perhaps an officer or a board member or the head of a vitally important committee.

3) Now you will be expected to attend club Board meetings where you will help determine the instructions to be provided to your clubs E-Board representative so he can act at the E-Board meetings in accordance with the will and best interests of your club. You will actually know how they are going to vote before it happens, and better yet - they can be instructed to bring things before the E-Board that you think are important to the betterment of racing in the Northwest!

Yes - a few club officers and veteran volunteers attend the E-Board meetings to observe, but the results are available to all members of Conference through their E-Board rep immediately following the meeting. It's all quite transparent and conspiracy free. If anyone has a desire to involve themselves in the administrative and political machinery of our finely tuned racing organization I would encourage them to do so. I would just suggest that they begin their journey where the power of Conference really originates - the Clubs!
"Honestly the E-Board meeting would be turned into a shambles if everyone in Conference decided to attend."--Rick Bostrom said that?

Library Board Meeting.jpg

I think that it would be hilarious. I also think that the possibility of everyone in Conference attending any one meeting is very, low. The Fall Mtg/Banquet is probably the closest we shall ever get to that. But that's not my point.

More likely, those that decide to volunteer their personal time to attend the meeting would be the essence of courteous, and professional as they observed the inner workings of not only their club's elected representative, but the ICSCC BoD as a whole.

Anybody that has attended any kind of BoD meeting knows that they are not all that spectacular, and once their business of personnel interests is done, it's time to find another source of amusement.

So please...

Do not limit, nor let yourself be discouraged from the potential to understand, and more intelligently participate in the 'system' of the ICSCC. They don't issue agendas to everybody, and it's usually too large to publish in sufficient time for the general population, but it's not too hard to understand, and look it up later.

There are those that would prefer that someone else read, or para-phrased the book, and too, the minutes to them orally, and so are satisfied with that. Then there are others that just haven't taken the opportunities to read it themselves. Those that will accept the old concillatory line, "Oh, yes. It's in the PnP... (or Regulations)".

Then there are those that must ask, "What page was that?"

There are club general meetings every month. Club level board meetings every month. Many opportunities to observe and participate. But there are only two (2) times a year that it is possible to experience the who, what, and how those ideas presented at the club level are processed into the business, and goals of your chosen sanction, the ICSCC. You want the minutes? Just ask the Secretary, right? That's in the PnP someplace how you are supposed to do that. Look it up.

To be an active part of the solution, it's important that one undertands just how those solutions are found at the different levels. Learn just how the seeds planted at the club level are sown when they are fertilized at the 'Conference' level of operations. It really has little to do with conspiracy, and more to do with the much talked about transparency of the organization which we have all chosen (volunteered) to be associated with.

I also think that it is a positive show of support for your club(s) to stand behind their representatives.

True team spirit can dispell the ghosts of conspiracy, smooth the waters of contention, and further avoid the conflicts of second hand or mis-information.

Then there's lunch.

Maybe I'll see you there... too.
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I think part of Rick's point about a "shambles" is simply that there's no real provision for people that aren't actively part of the E-Board meeting, which is to say, there ain't enough chairs.

As for the minutes, you can get them from your E-Board rep.
Thanks Steve -

That was exactly my point. The E-Board meetings are held in a room sized to hold the E-Board reps, Conference officers, those who hold certain Conference positions, and perhaps a dozen plus onlookers.

I just took the opportunity to add an editorial about getting involved at the club level. I guess I am still reeling from the news that we are losing two volunteers who have been instrumental in helping the IRDC put on quality races for many years and participated in the operation of the club in a wide variety of positions over many years. People like that don't grow on trees and their dedication is hard to replace. So - my message stays the same: get out and help your member club! A small number of dedicated people are carrying the weight and can always use a hand. I would add the same for the benefit of our friend Mr Killam. There are a lot of volunteers that have come out and worked our races for many years. Without them the events you have gotten used to would not be possible. If you have a free week-end, get out and work a corner or help on pregrid, tech, or timing and scoring. Our volunteers can be a lot of fun, and you might just learn a lot seeing it from their perspective.

Thanks and have a Happy New Year!
The chair must be equipped with the FIA or Snell rated anti-crash bubble wrap and current belt ratings before you can participate in the proceedings.