The Ridge Motorsports Park has cleared the final hurdle! New race track coming.

Randy Blaylock

Highlander Motorsports
The final hurdle in the approval process for the Ridge Motorsports Park has been cleared.

It's difficult to overestimate the significance of this event. There have been countless attempts over the years to build a new race track of any kind, many have tried, and many have failed.

This will be the first new motorsports facility in the greater Puget Sound region in a generation or more, and it's owned, designed, and intended to be used by club racers.

Ground breaking begins today, grading by week's end. The objective is to be running test laps by late summer, and a full race schedule in 2012.

Congratulations to the regular guys that conceived, and then acheived!
Awesome...Awesome! Let's hope some news channel picks up this story. It is really quite historic given the current business and economic climate. The "NIMBY's" have been silenced. Make sure and send out a congratulatory email to the elected officials who had the courage to move forward on this. Great job TRMP team!

Congratulations to all for their vision, drive, and incredible hard work, all for the love of Motorsports.
Amazing work guys!!! I am super excited to only live 30 minutes from where the track is being built.
This is great news! So when is online registration going to be setup for the first track day?!?!

It is great that with all the painful bureaucracy and red tape they have stuck through it. Just to bring us racers a new track. You have done what many thought impossible. Now you just have to build it...
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This is so cool. Two new tracks in the northwest in just a matter of a couple years. way to go guys. Cant wait to get out and check it out. Man ORP and Shelton, way to cool.