
Karen Stimson

Well-known member
Many of you may not realize that Holly Remington has been the person that has made online registration possible for us. She was the driving force behind both Cascade's races and driver trainings being online, and I'm sure the same is true for TC. (There may be others in TC I don't know of.) Thanks for making registration more streamlined and easy for us.

There are many people behind the scenes, who put in MANY hours to make our racing possible;
from those who spend hours over registration,
to timing and scoring keeping track of us and getting us paper copies of our times,
to those who open the gates and set up the track,
and especially the stewards who work their behinds off in a stressful job that is often less than pleasant.

These people don't have exciting or flashy jobs like the track workers, but without them we wouldn't be racing. A few words of thanks periodically will help them want to continue to help us. Please let them know you appreciate them.

Giving them a hand once in a while is a good thing too.
.....These people don't have exciting or flashy jobs like the track workers.....

Hip, Hip HooRay for all those 'behind the scenes people' who put up with many mind bending aggravations to make our sport possible!! Yes indeed.

But Karen,
When the winds blowing 40 plus, the snows coming down, the "blue room" is on the other side of the track, we cannot get a hot cup of coffee and, I'm running 75 yards to a disabled car with a fire bottle, please call me on the radio and remind me of how 'exciting or flashy' the corner workers job is :) :) :)

Just KIDDING, wouldn't trade it for one of those toasty warm places others hang out. Least not till I'm 10 years older (maybe 5) :)
I personally enjoy watching you run on course Rich, one of life's perverse little pleasures you know! Flashy would not be the word of choice used to describe that occurence however.
Seriously, we are, and have pretty much always been blessed with some of the best volunteers in the nation, and what goes on behind the scenes at a race event is very impressive. I know our novice program is better than the other options available out there, and our novices experience corner working and tech, etc. but they still only see a fraction of what goes on during a race week-end, and that is a shame. If more drivers actually saw the effort required by over 100 people at each event, and the distances those folks often travel to make those events happen it would be a real eye opener. Someday perhaps a video will be made that focuses entirely on the workers and volunteers, that would be very cool indeed!
There will be autographs available from many of them, Saturday and Sunday around 8AM @ Pacific Raceway. Just ask at Registration... after they get your autograph.
That IS all we want. 'Cuz usually they're pretty good. But then some Yaybo with a clipboard blows a damn whistle, and starts hollerin' about how nice it is that everybody came, and introducin' each other to one another, and talkin' about what we really are supposed to be doing until lunch, and such. After that we all just kinda wander off to different parts of the track, and stand around for the rest of the day pretending to look busy so as not to disturb the drivers. They don't much like distractions. I guess it slows 'em down, or somethin', though I don't see how... or when. Anyway I'll be signing with a chocolate thumbprint just for you, Wes.

After I've licked it, of course.
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>>After I've licked it, of course.[/QUOTE]<<


...................................... licking thumb prints???????????????

I always knew that you guys thought outside of the box but .................licking thumb prints???

................... go figure!!
