TC - ORP CCW race requiremnts met!

Peter Belfanti

Well-known member
TC - ORP CCW race requirments met!

ICSCC Racers

It is with great pleasure I would like announce that TC and ORP have completed all of the Counterclockwise track requirements to hold an ICSCC sanctioned race. It has taken quite a few work party weekends of dedicated racers to bring the dream of the Late Bruce Baggett to ICSCC. Last week the ICSCC steward and president have gave their approval to the track modifications that were listed to TC last December as required for CCW race operations.

TC has a history of racing in both directions. I believe both temporary tracks at Port Orford and the Olympia airport tracks were run in both directions at one time. However, this will be first ever permanent road course in ICSCC history to be approved in both directions. Oh, and we also were approved for races using the bypass in both directions. That's right 4 configuration options!!! Look for some fun group 8 races in the next few years from TC and ORP!

Come claim your spots in the history books of ICSCC July 25,26,27 All lap records are up for grabs!

The Friday drivers school is filling up fast be sure to sign up soon to be assured a spot in your preferred run group.

Plenty of thanks to many TC members that took time out of their weekends and some race schedules to make CCW racing possible in 2014!

Let's go racing -- Backwards!!!

Pete Belfanti
TC race chairman 2014
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Congrulations on getting this pasted. I know it has been a lot of hard work.

I would really like to be there to see CCW, but due to confilts in scheduling, I am comitted to Pacific for the Historics.

Best wishes to all at this event
Way to go. A first in Conference, being bi directional. (for the whole course anyway :) )
I ran this course CCW on day 2. It is as much fun and just as blind in places as CW. So do come and enjoy - but like before look for the turn stations and stay alert!
You will like the north end just as much and be surprised how "the plunge" comes up to catch your car going left through it.
I'd be real interested which direction has the best passing opportunities and so should you all!

And - new course records to set. I'm sure my PRO3 CCW record will fall.
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