TC - ACCO March 29th school - ORP counterclockwise

Peter Belfanti

Well-known member

Our March 29th school is looking to have a great turnout, and the weather report is showing that we can expect some dry weather. Be some of the first ICSCC race cars to try the track in this direction!! Remember, ALL TRACK RECORDS are up for grabs at our July race!!

If you haven't already signed up or considered both the TC driver school and the RAT RACE (like chump car) on March 30th (also on MSR).

We would encourage you to sign up soon to ensure your spot.

Thank you
Peter Belfanti
The weather is looking cool and a high likelihood of being dry.. Come out and enjoy a Dry track on the 29th!

What a great day. Only the first sessions for group 4 and group 2/3 were at all wet. After that dry track, and mostly sunny. A little cold in the morning, but got up into high 50s by mid-afternoon. And I had a very good student also. A pleasurable day. Thanks TC, and thanks ORP.
Great sessions. I know for sure my friend Jerome Russell will be getting his Novice License and maybe 1 or 2 more.

As for CCW, at first I was NOT liking it. On the second day, during the Stars Projects Rats of Spring 8 hour Enduro I changed my mind, it's a blast to drive CCW! It's like we have two entirely different tracks. Everyone on our team loved the 2 hour stints and would liked to have done more, although our car was done, it had no more laps in it! :smile:
As for CCW, at first I was NOT liking it. On the second day, during the Stars Projects Rats of Spring 8 hour Enduro I changed my mind, it's a blast to drive CCW! It's like we have two entirely different tracks.

The track definitely drives a lot differently in the CCW direction. After 4 sessions I felt pretty comfortable in most places on the track, but I feel like there is a bunch of time for me to still find in the CCW direction. Coming over the hill blind to go down Valkyrie Hill is going to be the place to find time (IMHO) for higher HP cars, because it is very hard to come over the hill fast, and stay on track as it curves on the downhill section. I am pretty sure it will take some more experimentation (and watching your competitors to see what is working for them).
Coming over the hill blind to go down Valkyrie Hill is going to be the place to find time (IMHO) for higher HP cars, because it is very hard to come over the hill fast, and stay on track as it curves on the downhill section. I am pretty sure it will take some more experimentation (and watching your competitors to see what is working for them).

I learned from another driver the key there, start your turn in while the track still appears to be going straight over the crest. If you wait till the crest and you are unweighted, it is quite freaky making the turn. But if you start the turn before the crest you see as you go over that you are on the line to make the turn with no problem. Kind of like the corkscrew at Laguna Seca, only there is no Oak tree to aim at.