ST Class


"The Okie"
I have read through the rule book this year, and unless I just can't find it, I see no reference to the ST class. Can anyone nelighten me on where it is in the comp regs??
E 1301. There shall be fifteen (15) categories approved for competition: Production,
GT, Improved Production, Sports Racing, Formula, Improved Touring, Pro-7,
Pro-3, Spec Miata, Club Spec Miata, Radial Sedan, American Sedan, Super
Production, Club Rabbit and Honda Challenge 4. At all times, the burden of
proof of car classification, model, options etc. shall be on the driver and/or
owner rather than the Conference. There shall be no classification changes
after the Spring Meeting prior to the coming season.
A. (Formerly, Section 1311.) All new classes put forward for
consideration must be delivered to ICSCC Headquarters by November
1 to be considered at the Fall Board Meeting. All classes considered
shall be accompanied by a set of class rules and an affidavit signed by
at least 5 licensed drivers intending to run the class. New classes will
compete under the rules submitted and approved at the Fall Meeting
and maintained by the Race Steward. Protesting will be allowed.
Drivers running in new classes under consideration will earn
Championship points but will receive year-end awards only if the new
class entries average 2.5 for an entire season. New classes achieving
a 2.5 entry average for the season will automatically become
sanctioned the following year. New classes not achieving a 2.5 entry
average within 2 seasons will be required to repeat the above process
to remain under consideration. All classes under consideration are
listed as follows:
1. Formula Continental
2. Vintage Formula Vee
3. ITX (Improved Touring eXtra ) (Spring 2010)
4. ST (Sport Touring) (Spring 2010)