Spokane Video, chasin' bimmers.


Great SCOTT!

Not bad for a 1.6 liter Honda eh? This is Sunday's race and the my rear pointed camera didn't get fired up correctly so no dual view. I'm in the process of merging the front/rear video from the Saturday race and should have it up next week at the latest.

Look forward to PR!

Not bad for a 1.6 liter Honda eh? This is Sunday's race and the my rear pointed camera didn't get fired up correctly so no dual view. I'm in the process of merging the front/rear video from the Saturday race and should have it up next week at the latest.

Look forward to PR!

Very nice race Colin, I watched spell bound the entire video, you almost had Fred a couple times there. Nice driving, it was also fun to watch the two pro3 drivers swapping positions several times.
Last year I tried taking T1 flat out a couple times neither time could I slow the car enough to make it through T2 correctly and almost beached it both times. Since I was able to be first in my class without taking it flat out I figured better safe than sorry.

I'm not sure why but it seemed like the bump was worse this year. Anyone else notice this?

Edit: My Saturday Video is up now: http://www.vimeo.com/13321933

More chasin' bimmers plus the rear view cam.
Congrats on winning your class but did your father have a video of his group 2 race. He was buzzing around me especially on Sunday. Keep up the good work.
Duane; Yes I have the vid of my father's races as well and I plan on putting those up with the front/rear. I'll post them in here when that is complete.
Duane: Here's my dad's vid (sorry no rear cam) but lots of footage of your race with him.


I had encoded in it in a high resolution but I'm still learning how to use Vimeo. Oh well, it's good enough for now.

Robertwdunn: No worries, it's all part of the show.
I'm not sure why but it seemed like the bump was worse this year. Anyone else notice this?

Actually I remembered it as being more of an issue last year than this one. Maybe the softer spring package I'm now running made it seem less upsetting to the car...
The latest video showed me alot- my car car is flopping and twitching all over the place but again that's how it feels inside, my right front is locking up much more than I realize although it has no flat spots and none the worse for wear compared to the other three, your Honda is fast and the slicing and dicing with Phil looked even better with your Dads point of view. The only part that I didn't like was Ken nipping me at the finish line but that's a character builder. Thanks again for posting your vids. DM

Thanks for posting. Made me even more sorry we couldn't be there but will be next year for sure.

While you garnered a couple of wins it looks like your Dad may have had the edge in the fun department with all the cars around him.
If you don't mind and I ask with respect as I find it inspirational for us older folks, but how old is your Dad?

"Nice Guy Jim Racing"
:caution, long post:

Alright dad... I'm putting this on the internet!

Dad turns 70 this year. His first time racing a race car (novice program) he was 67. He's been consistently 4-5+ seconds off my time but at Spokane this year he shrunk it down to 2-3 seconds. He's improving quickly for not having as much seat time and he's taken to the changes in the car's setup very well. His biggest improvements at Spokane were his start and his willingness to take the fight to the cars in front of him, not to mention not lifting the throttle while in the turn! He was also aware that the Miata's were in their own class in group 2 so while he was racing them he had to mind to not interrupt their race.... too much.

It's a very exciting thing for me to race my car with my dad. The first CRX I raced I did not build, instead I purchased from back east with much "financial" help from my father who lived vicariously through me a bit. I wrecked that car at Portland while both my parents were there watching and it was a very sad day. I'm sure you guys remember the ending to this video: http://www.vimeo.com/6709244

The car I'm in now I built from scratch with a lot of help from Steve Ingersol and Rick Delamare (Primarily the roll cage). Getting my Dad into the car was small way of giving back but now I just want to see him get faster and faster.

I know that Spokane was a blast for him this year because he won ITX and if he was in H4 he'd of won that too; so to him it felt like he won twice. Racing is addicting but nothing is as addicting as racing when you win.

Let's just say, he didn't sleep a wink on the long ride home that night to Seattle.
Alright dad... I'm putting this on the internet!

Dad turns 70 this year.


You probably already know this, but enjoy every minute of this hobby you are sharing with your dad. One of the very few regrets I have in life is that I didn't get to do this with my Dad.

My kid is going to do this with me, whether he want to or not! ;-)

Kidding aside, my 12 y/o son is turning into a karting monster, and already is bugging me to find a parking lot to teach him to drive our E30 iX in.


Terrific story about your Dad. Thanks for the response and may the two of you have an abundance of years racing together. One can only imagine what each of your reactions will be if and when he post a faster time than you. Should it happen I hope I'm standing close by to watch.

"Nice Guy Jim Racing"