SFI Will Decertify All Impact Racing Gear (SFI 3.2A/3.3/16.1/16.5)


Well-known member
FYI for owners of any Impact Racing SFI-certified (SFI 3.2A/3.3/16.1/16.5) racing gear.
Read the March 26 entry for more info:

This is regarding Impact Racing's use of counterfeit SFI labels. SFI won't decertify these items immediately but I'm not sure how the ICSCC, SCCA, NASA, etc. will handle this.
On a sort-of related note, you can scroll down a bit further and read about SFI's new affiliate member, the International Council of Sports Car Clubs, "a coalition of independent sports car clubs[,]" which doesn't really make us sound like a racing-oriented organization, or even terribly interesting. :grumble:
SFI seems to be taking a draconian response to the problem as of now. This issue was raised at least 4 months ago when some tags on suits (only) were identified as not being suppled to Impact by SFI. How it happened is till in question I believe and there certainly was a long delay in the response.

Impact has different opinion:

I'm starting to think SFI stands for "The Devil". They're pulling a "safety" certification for wholly business reasons.
They're not saying the stuff's all of a sudden unsafe, just that the sticker wasn't sold by them.

Really makes me wonder how "safe" it was and how "safe" it now is. And if it means anything at all. Other than being a good racket for the devil.

In the past, I couldn't justify the cost of an FIA tag on the equipment I use. Now I'm starting to think it's a much better deal.

Good thing my helmet has a Snell sticker in it.

I think there is more going on here than the SFI sticker issue.

Impact was caught selling crap suits (non nomex and proban) and helmets with counterfeit HANS anchors (made of aluminum) I think the sticker issue is just something they thought they could get them on. Sort of akin to putting Al Capone in jail for tax evasion. Kind of sad that a guy who has spent his whole life pushing for safety has gone off the deep.

SFI is the game... and everyone knows the game, devil or not. I agree though that the going FIA spec for your gear is probably a better way to go over the long term.