Ridge Motorsports Park updated lap records


Let's go racing
I have updated the qualifying and race lap records for the ridge thru the last race of 2016. If you see any mistakes please let me know and I will correct them.


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Hey Duane,

I don't want to make a lot of work for you but I think the track changed at the end of 2014 and I think it was enough of a change to affect lap times.


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Hey Duane,

I don't want to make a lot of work for you but I think the track changed at the end of 2014 and I think it was enough of a change to affect lap times.

Just using me as an example the lap times are slower following the track change at the Ridge. They also got quicker at Pacific following the repaving at T2 & T7-9. There a probably some tracks that folks remember all of the changes but to keep up with the lap times per track change would be difficult. Right now I will probably just keep it as is with everyone knowing or not knowing the past track changes.
As always I appreciate your comments.
Thanks for taking the time to keep this up to date Duane.
One small note, my last name is Halbert rather than Holbert. :biggrin:
Just curious... Do non ICSCC license holders count towards ICSCC lap records? If so, I believe that the record was broken last weekend at the ridge ;)
Yes they do count. If you race at a Conference event then the qualification and race lap records are honored. I plan on updating Pacific Raceways and the Ridge records in the coming months.
Thanks for looking, Duane
Should they really count for Canadians? Nice to see you racing young man!

Good to hear from ya Wes! We missed you down at The Ridge. My mom, dad, and three little siblings came down with me. Grandpa Al and Grandma Ann were supposed to come down as well to say hi to all their old (read older) 'Murican friends, but couldn't make it. They told me to say hello to you fellows on their behalf, and they're still thinking of ya!