Question regarding points allocated for this weekend's joint SCCBC/Cascade race


Well-known member
Being a race weekend which is hosted jointly by the SCCBC and the CSCC, how are the points allocated for championship purposes? As I understand them, the rules state that championship points will not be given for more than three races with the same club (CSCC in this case).

This will be my 3rd race of the season at PIR and I will most likely run the 4th one. Can I have the points from this weekend's race count towards an SCCBC race and not a CSCC race?
I am not an official answer, but as I understand it this weekend at PIR still counts as a CSCC race in regards to points. So there are 4 races of which you choose your best 3. From what I have heard in duscussion on this, the only way it would count as a seperate SCCBC race was if all of SCCBC and their people came down and actually ran the event.
I'm pretty sure there was already a thread regarding this topic early this year. When in doubt consult the rule book.

503 A
...."All ICSCC Championship races shall count toward annual Championships. For the purpose of tabulating year end point totals, a maximum of 10 races will count. No more than the drivers best three races at any given ICSCC track will count for the Championship point totals."

The determining factor is the track, not the host club.

Mike you must be doing it wrong! If you'd gone to the rule book first.... Just saying! :tongue: