PR 5/11,12 Salute to the troops

Greg Miller

Well-known member
I want to thank all that came to the event, to drive, to volunteer, to officiate, and to watch. The weather held when it was needed. Many of us scrubbed our rain tires just in case but thankfully it was dry during track sessions and to pack up after. I think our new race chair and new chief of tech did their jobs well and were supported well by fellow members and workers. The relatively few glitches can be chalked up to learning experiences. (or situation normal for a race weekend in some cases)
The car and driver counts were good for a Spring & Mother's Day race.
Thanks to Ron Johnson for leading group national anthems to start the race afternoon.
I enjoyed watching some real open wheel racing and some close class racing including the Legend cars, and formula cars. Good to see a strong 3 & 6 turn out!
In group 4 once again Mac Russel proved he's still got it. Manfred Duske's stock car proved to be the rabbit Mac's greyhound needed to go full on race. Both were battling the end of weekend slick track and showing their car skills in T8. It was a classic ISCCC race where 2 drivers that know and trust each other can pass, and be passed several times in a sprint race. At the checker Mac was ahead by a healthy margin. It may take a while for Mac's smile to fade.
Again, thank you all for coming and making it a great weekend.
Thanks to all the workers and volunteers that made the sacrifice on the holiday to enjoy some close racing with us all.
I believe you'al sounded as great as some of the recordings I have heard for races. That could be because we personally sing from the heart (off key) but with gusto for both countries. Always makes me proud remembering the "quiet" and the crowd singing at the drivers meeting the weekend at PIR after 911. So glad to be a member of this great Conference of clubs.