ORP - Grass Valley gets new verizon cell tower

Peter Belfanti

Well-known member
ICSCC members

Verizon has installed a new cell phone tower as you enter Grass valley. See the attached images showing 5 bars at the location of the tower (top of the hill as you descend into grass valley) and 3 bar Verizon coverage at ORP. This was done on my 3G ipad. I do not know if there is also LTE coverage, but I assume so as it's a new tower!!!

We can only hope that AT&T will now install equipment at this tower soon.

Peter Belfanti

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Mr. Peter, Is there any more paving planned for Race Car Parking ? Last year, A few people I asked if they were going," said no due to not enough paved area for Race Cars."
Dear Victory Racing,

I can't comment on any paddock plans for ORP.

As I have posted here before. I have no personal ownership in ORP. I have weekly contact with select owners of ORP and the issue of the paddock is discussed almost as often as we meet. While from time to time I am allowed small insight into ORP and PMM's plans. I am not at liberty to discuss any of them publicly. Any announcements of any kind on improvements to ORP will come from ORP management, or will be public knowledge as in seeing the new cell tower, or the earlier announcement regarding the Drain field to support bathrooms and showers posted to the ORP web site.

I sometimes wonder if TC is selling the wrong entry. Racing is all you want for free, but your paddock space and bathroom stall is $XXX. That seat time seems to be more valuable to the general racing public at times, than the on track action.

Like Pacific, PIR, Mission... not all the paving was put down in the first few decades of their existence. Pacific in the 90's and early 2000 was far less paved, with a small forest of trees in the current paddock area. Getting the amenities that everyone demands takes time and people attending events repeatedly over years. More than 50% of race income on any given weekend goes to ORP. That's the money over the years that pays for paddock improvements.

The improvement everyone asks for in regards to the paddock has been batted around as a $XXX,XXX six figure cost and in fact closer to Seven figures. TC can not ever pay that bill alone. If TC was to fund the paving of the paddock (TC is a separate org from ORP) and pay for the paving as a club we would need to charge $2,500 surcharge per entry, (so Satruday $2,500, and sunday another $2500) on top of the current entry fees. I've done the math and that's about what it would take to pave it in 1 years time. Not very realistic, as nobody would attend. The profit TC makes from races it only enough to keep our club infrastructure healthy (radios, trucks, computers).

If I had to speculate on paddock space I would guess that grass areas would be available before paved areas in the future. However that's my own take on it and not a message or announcemnt from ORP.

When it all comes down to it all ORP improvements are at the sole decision of ORP owners. I encourage you as I do on a regular basis to email info@oregonraceway.com with your input. Please mark your message Attention: ORP ownership and it will get forwarded to PMM staff.

Best regards
Peter Belfanti
TC race chairman 2014
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I guess I'll stick with Verizon, then.

It's important to call the track and ask. Then you get the story from the correct end of the horse. They've still got a forum linked from their website too. Star Projects could put you on their update list if you contact Bill Murray. He's pretty well in touch with things in them hills.

New track growing pains. The Ridge is working the kinks out too. All in good time is all we can hope.

Dear Pete,

If I ask you what time it is, I would not expect you to tell me how to build a watch. ;D

All my love,

I apologize for my Ignorance in not knowing who is who! A simple " I do not know" would have been Fine ! apparently when I get on this Forum and Ask questions, beings I am NEW to ICSCC it seems to get people All twitterpated . I will reframe from Asking questions from now on. According to your comment " Racing is all you want for free," That is in no way a true Statement when it cost me a min. of $1500. a weekend to race! I will show up anywhere, anytime to race as long as the TRACK is good.
I did not need my watch Built, nor was I asking for anything Free.

Mr. Victory,

Peter didn't say you were asking for anything for free. He was speculating - tongue in cheek - that clubs may be selling the wrong commodity. Perhaps they should be giving away track time and charging for things like paddock space and bathrooms.

Have you ever been to ORP? If not, give it a try. It's a fun and challenging track, TC puts on great events, the scenery is terrific on a clear day, and the paddock is a little tight. While paved paddock space is tight, TC does a good job managing that scarce resource, and racers are cooperative for the most part. Very few race cars are parked off pavement and most of those that are have conveyor belt material to park on. Many people park off pavement by choice - it's out of the wind!
Been there and loved it!! Plan on going back!! Once Again my apology then, Guess I took it wrong. And your right it was VERY tight but we managed and had a good time as always when were Racing.

Thanks, Mark
As a suggestion. In lieu of the conveyer mat, racers could bring plywood. I did this last year and it worked out great. The plywood has been used @ Mid Ohio,Road America and ORP. G
As a suggestion. In lieu of the conveyer mat, racers could bring plywood. I did this last year and it worked out great. The plywood has been used @ Mid Ohio,Road America and ORP. G

Just to echo Gordon, I like a paved paddock too, but there are a lot of places we race in Continental that we have to put down mats or similar on grass, gravel, etc. We're pretty lucky in the Northwest not only to have the number of tracks we have within driving distance, but also to have the facilities at and near those tracks that we do.

sorry you took it that way Victory racing..

I get that question, objection/death threats, regarding paddock space from many ICSCC teams.. so I may have some (emotional) scars from it. I apologize if that came out in the message.

I get very few opportunities to explain the paddock situation fully, and get my message across. Normally when I meet drivers at the track and we talk paddock, I can't get a word in edge wise as drivers and teams scream at me as race chairman to do some thing about it.

Best regards
Pete Belfanti
Definitely looking forward to having service up there... now my phone's battery might make it through the weekend!
To echo what Dan Rogers said, it's not uncommon to have to pit in the rough. Last year, I tried to run with the SCCA for the Rose Cup races, and I (along with several other cars worth a whole lot more than mine) were pitted in the grass just off the south perimeter road. And this was PIR. So having pavement in the pits is a luxury at many tracks, and if you are contingent on there being enough pavement for every car in the pit then you may be not racing at too many big events. In fact, now having run with SCCA, ICSCC, and NASA, I can say that there has been someone pitted in the grass at every event at PIR.. Course grass isn't the same as gravel, but then again, some pavement surfaces I have seen in the pits is harder on your back then gravel!
We routinely pitted up behind the main paddock in the grassy areas at PIR. We found it more spacious and comfortable then being down on the narrow pit boxes especially when you're camping at the track. It actually became sort of an enclave for open wheelers when we were running. Grass is a LOT different then dirt for pitting, much better.