NOT a rule change

E 1113. Recovery Equipment – Towing Eyes. All cars without an exposed roll bar
shall have a towing eye or strap, front and rear, to be used for flat-towing or
hauling the vehicle. The towing eyes or straps shall be of sufficient size and
design to withstand the stress exerted during towing or recovery without
deformation and shall have a two (2) inch inside diameter. The towing eyes
or straps shall not dangerously protrude from the bodywork while the car is
racing. These towing eyes or straps shall be securely bolted in place and
easily accessible without removal or manipulation of bodywork or other
A. Cars requiring specialty towing equipment (eg, a “claw” for Legends
racers) shall present that equipment to the Race Chairman before the
first on-track event of the day, and the equipment shall remain with the
emergency crew throughout the duration of the event. (Fall 2009)

Has anybody looked at some roll bars on our Group 6 cars lately? They are getting fancier, more aero-dynamic, and are covered with fibre-something stuff. This rule is not a new one.

Why do I bring this up? Maybe because now is the time... but mostly because of 'time'.

The latest CSCC event at PIR had a mishap in T11 at the last race, and happened also to have another D-sport that had been off-safe for awhile. Two of the three cars did not comply. This made for some very creative techniques, time consuming, and un-orthodox techniques that became necessary to recover these cars.

The fact that we do not normally deploy a flat-bed at our events is irrelevant (also a time consuming tool).

As we can appreciate all of the technical advancements of our more modern racing equipment, when all is said and done, the rules still stand. I would hate to have to push a car into a split and tell the driver that they will have to come and get it after the day's end, lunch, or as the Race Chairman permits.

Just sayin'...

I'll be looking closer next race. So should the driver/owners.
I believe so, Lynn. But normally cars are only presented to tech for their annuals, not on a race weekend. Both of the official ICSCC (per event, and annual) tech forms have the tow eye fields (front & rear) that should be checked off, but I believe (unsubstaniated), that when an open cockpit car comes along, that this technicality may be overlooked. If a 700 number car is tech'd at an event the same assumption may ignore those fields.

So, under the catagory of 'rules are rules'. There are usually good reasons for most of them, no matter how inconvenient they may become. Even when suddenly realized with only 5 minutes until the field is released to the Pace Car for a race clock that will start as soon as the 1st grid position passes the starter (green flag, or not).

I'm just throwing it out there for the consumption of those that know that this is the time of year for all of the ICSCC licensed drivers to conspire change in all of those inconvenient truths, so that they won't be bothersome next year.

It's all so technical. pinky_brain.gif
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