karterra deolympiad CSCC Roster


"The Okie"
OK, anyone from CSCC interested in the kart racing in Olympia sign up here. We will field as many teams as we can depending on the length of the race.

So far I know of the following

Kyle "The Okie" Nickels
Mike Smith
Emily "Blondie" Smith
Tony Nadalin
Sarah Nadalin
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Jesus wants to add a "little diversity" and wants to race!!

................. sign me up!!

If we can get a couple others from PDX I would love to come up and run in such an event.
Bring it on. There is still room on a couple of the teams. Just get 5 more folks and DOMINATE the team member from the "other" areas!!!!!
Don't you talk to your relatives? :) (I guess that's making an assumption, same last name and all)

You're already on a team....check the info thread.
they always forget to inform me of this kind of stuff. its always one of those " o yeah by the way" things two days before.