ITA: New blood, old blood.. any blood?


Great SCOTT!
So who's coming out to play in ITA this year?

I'll be around.

I know some cars have been sold/purchased, some have been made faster on the off season (not mine) but I haven't kept tabs on who/what.

So who's who and what's what? Also, for anyone new ITA, we're here to help... Just ask.

Look forward to seeing you out there.
I will be around in ITA also. So will the new owner of Noriko's car. My car enhancement plan is not moving along quite as fast as I would hoped for but both of the new transmissions should be ready soon. I hope to get the engine done and setup after ORP and before Spokane.

My planned race schedule:
-May ORP Double
-July Spokane Triple
-August Portland
-September Mission Triple
-October at the Ridge
My planned race schedule:
-May ORP Double
-July Spokane Triple
-August Portland

-September Mission Triple
-October at the Ridge

I will see you then at the 3 in bold. Sept I'm hoping to be in Utah and The Ridge in Oct. I might do. The 2 hour seems fun.
ill still be here and so will my car not sure how many races or when. first things first i have a large dept i need to pay before i race but my car may race with one or both of the renters from last year.
Is there recycled blood? I keep planning on getting out but the car (or me) hasn't turned a wheel in 5 years and not once in Oregon. I need to get off my ass and figure out what I need to do to have a license again. (And an annual) Maybe late spring/early summer.
I've moved on. I am done with IT for now. I think my car will fit nicely into SPU now.

It looks like 3 maybe 4 ITA entries at ORP and possibly 2-4 H4 entries coming up at ORP? Maybe more? Don't forget to register!

I met two new H4/ITA drivers last weekend @ PR, one of which upgraded from Novice and had a terrific run in the Group 2 race.

Off the top of my head I can think of 10 ITA/H4 cars. I hope to see some more of you out there and for those of you who are new to ICSCC or have yet to run with ICSCC please reach out and I'll do what I can to help.

I am registered for ITA(group5) on Sat and Sunday at ORP and for the Group 2 (H4/ITX) on Saturday. I have 2 extra cameras and 2 extra mounts for anyone who wants to get video.

See you at the track.