IRDC Competition Driving School


IRDC will hold a school on April 5 at The Ridge Motorsports Park. This is an opportunity to receive instruction that will allow you to apply for a race license with Conference. You can sign up at and the cost is $265 USD. Here is a link that should take you directly to the correct page:

The event also includes an HPDE run group and a Test and Tune. More information is available here:
Registrations are coming in but we still have plenty of room so here's a little tidbit we hope will add to the appeal. James Clay of Bimmerworld will be in town for the enduro on Sunday and has agreed to instruct for us on Saturday the 5th. What we plan is to do is a drawing of the names of those signed up for the competition school and select four drivers. Those four will have James in their car for one session during the day. For those of you who don't know who James is, here is a link to the Bimmerworld website:

James owns Bimmerworld and they are a long time sponsor of Pro3 and supporter of Conference racing.
Bill, are you in need of instructors or pretty well set in that department?
I'm happy to help if needed. Thanks.

Mirko Freguia
Alfa Romeo Milano - ST #8