IRDC adopts new policy on volunteer compensation


In an attempt to keep up with the changing demands on our volunteers, IRDC has put in place a new policy for helping our volunteers with some of their travel/lodging expenses. Effective with the upcoming Car Tender Challenge race weekend, any volunteer who travels more than 50 miles to Pacific Raceways will receive a stipend as follows:

If you live in the state of Washington you'll get $60. If you live outside the state, or in Spokane, the amount is $100. We realize that this in no way covers all your costs but it is a help and an improvement over our past policy. It's also more in line with what other clubs are doing. This policy was discussed and voted on at our monthly general meeting last Wednesday and is meant as a first step and as such will be modified as appropriate once we see how it is received by our volunteers.

This will apply to those folks working turns, pre-grid, timing and scoring, registration, drivers services, etc. It won't apply to us drudges who do jobs as an offshoot of our board positions. Again, this is an evolving and fluid policy so let us know what you think.
Thank you to the IRDC board and membership for this recognition of the out of pocket expenses volunteers incur to support club racing. Like everyone else in the ICSCC family I didn't get into racing for the money, but the help with expenses is certainly appreciated.

This is the kind of thing that would be good to be promoted on the IRDC Facebook page as well...

Then we can 'share' it.

Thank you Bill, and IRDC.