ICSCC Awards Banquet

Scott Norton

Epic Win, I push limit
Big thanks to Peggy for helping me after I confused her on my banquet reservations.

Thank you to everyone helped plan, set up, and anything else that had to with the Banquet.

The food was fantastic. What was they wine? I think I may have found a wine I like finally.

Mike B. Well done have you considered a career in Comedy? Oh wait you had one this year...:D Well done on your Stewardship also.

It was great to see all the worker and volunteer awards and put a name to the faces I have see all year that I have not met personally already. I will always have a beverage for you at my pit.

It was a great experience. My brother, and our Canadian friend Wayne attended with me. We all agreed we will be back again next year even if we do not win anything. It was a great time. It was great to see my racing friends and competitors again.

Big thanks to all!

(Oh thanks Dave for christening the cup right:p)
Sorry I missed it!

Who won what?

Sidenote: The off-season is officially here. Now I try to figure out what I'll be driving next year. Might be a Hon-duh ;)