I just hired a driving coach!


Well-known member
As some of you may know, I recently acquired a new (to me) race car. Along with that, I'm trying to bring up my game as a driver and have hired an experienced driving coach to help me move up to mid-pack. :tongue:

His name is Dan Amon and he has a lot of experience training NASCAR drivers. He was gracious enough to take me on as a project this season. Here's a nice video clip of him working with a NASCAR driver:
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Good one Mike - you had me going with that one! I thought you had recovered from all the race fuel intoxication yesterday!!:biggrin:

I feel a little insulted here, guys... I've worked very hard under Dan Amon now for several years and feel I've really improved a great deal as a result of his intense training methods.
I feel a little insulted here, guys... I've worked very hard under Dan Amon now for several years and feel I've really improved a great deal as a result of his intense training methods.

Which probably explains why you haven't actually raced in a while, eh Hal?
That's funny.
Actually, I did get a retired racer to help me out during lapping.
He changed everything about how I drive -- all for the better I hope.
One of the best sessions I've had on the track and well worth the time.
I really enjoyed the de-briefings and want to have a coach with me more often!