Great article about one of our own-Steve Pfeiffer

Very cool article. It's neat to see Pat Boyle there, too!

It's pretty interesting to see Steve's name along with the likes of Cale Yarborough, Richard and Kyle Petty, Neil Bonnett, David Pearson, etc. on the race results from the 1970s. Must have been a real trip racing with those guys!
That was awesome. I had heard some of the stories as Steve has told me little tidbits over the last ten years but the story and pictures really tied it all together. I am also lucky enough to know Pat and have heard some of the story from him along with some of Pat's interesting story as well.

I can't think of a better use of IRDC's website than to highlight the "secret' careers of some of our accomplished members. It really adds to the experience when you know the background.

Bravo! Tip of the hat to Glen Peterson - really nice job.
I agree, Rick. With so many folks in the paddock and only so much time on race weekends, it'd be great to get to know more people's stories like this. After all, each of us has our own story for how we got into racing and where it's taken us over the years.

Very interesting read about Steve and his many exploits over the years. Thanks for posting.

How practical would it be to have a section on the forum for this type of thing? "Getting to Know our People"

Each club has some very interesting people, and the Memo might be a bit tight for space for this.
Posting bios like this for our drivers and volunteers would make for great reading.

What u think??

I enjoyed the article and have enjoyed listening to Steve tell his stories.
Not a bad idea, Lynn. And not just for the drivers, too. I'd like to learn more about the volunteers (flaggers, admin folks, E-crew, etc.). I see them at each race but only know a few on a first name basis.
About 4 (?) years ago Steve was in a god awful horrific crash between 2B and 3 at Pacific.
He may have just decided to stay involved in racing in different ways.
Also curious ...

I too was curious about this quote from the story on Steve:

"I am now not allowed to run in a conference event here in the northwest, but can compete just about anywhere else in the country. However, with the economy such as it is, I find this rather difficult."​

I know he was involved in the horrific shunt, but I didn't know he was "now not allowed to run in a conference event".

Can anyone clarify?
I met Steve at a SCCA regional race in Bremerton in about 1997; he appeared to be having as much fun there as he did at Silverstone!!!
Motor racing can never have too many of like character.