Conference Rookie gets GT4 ride and needs our support!


Well-known member
As you may or may not know, Retro Racing likes to bring at least one new racer into Conference each year. This past year, we brought in Jesse Webb, who
Raced high performance go karts since 2017 with Italian Motors USA and Catalyst Driver Development, was 2021 Nissan Sentra Cup rookie of the year finishing 3rd place overall, and was the 2022 RS1 cup series winner. This was all prior to his completing the novice program and receiving his ICSCC license in 2022. Now, at 18 years old, he has won a seat with Conquest Racing in the The Pirelli GT4 America championship. He will be competing in a Mercedes AMG GT4 and is looking for sponsors.

Please, if you can, contact him directly with any sponsorship, support or pass his information on to those that might be able to assist. His contact information is in the attached sponsorship package.

Yes, he will still be racing in Conference on at least one of our cars, and yes, I am still faster than him.....maybe......


  • 2023 Jesse Webb Sponsorship PowerPoint (1).pdf
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