Conference lap records for the Ridge


Let's go racing
Okay, just for a little tease I have put together the qualifying lap records for Conference at the Ridge. Most notable is the fastest overall lap by James Blackwell @ 1:36.216. Not sure what that equates to for an average speed but pretty dang fast in my opinion. I intend to eventually record the race lap records but right now my eyes are tired.
Enjoy, Duane

Just attached Conference Race lap records at the Ridge.


  • Conference Qualifying lap records for the Ridge.pdf
    46 KB · Views: 749
  • Conference Race lap records for the Ridge.pdf
    46.2 KB · Views: 642
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Mr. Adams-
I know I do not have the ability so could you please remove the word "Qualifying" from the thread name as I have now included the Race lap records.
Thanks, Duane
Actually, I believe you do have the ability (edit your initial post in the thread, go advanced, change it), but I took care of it for you.
Trash talk!!! I luv it!

My goal this year when I was driving the CRX was to not get passed by a Spec Miata. But things got turned upside down (figuratively and literally) in May and my goal for next year is to make it out to at least six race weekends, not including the Lemons/Chump stuff. I just wanna go racin'!
Trash talk!!! I luv it!

My goal this year when I was driving the CRX was to not get passed by a Spec Miata. But things got turned upside down (figuratively and literally) in May and my goal for next year is to make it out to at least six race weekends, not including the Lemons/Chump stuff. I just wanna go racin'!

Mike...the secret of successful goal setting is to pick a goal which is achievable. Your not getting passed by a Spec Miata simply was not a realistic goal and you know it. Your early departure from the CRX notwithstanding...HA! But keep bringing the price of your CRX down and I might just have to call you! Now how's that for trash talking??

I cannot get either image to open??


a 2.476 mile lap in 1:36.2 seconds is a 92.4 MPH average. I believe his vintage FA car should be capable of about 165 to 170 MPH top speed. James is wicked fast to top it off.

Note: Above corrected based upon post below by Macr. My original had a serious error and I'm not sure why.
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It's 92.0582 M.P.H.
Mac Russell

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It's 92.0582 M.P.H.
Mac Russell
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As far as maintaining the records it looks like I have a project after the season completes at the Ridge. I will also update the PR records.

I'm not the smartest guy when it comes to computers (maybe that's why I use carbs) but it opened okay for me.


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The last time I updated the records was in late 2012. All records that have been broken since then will be included in the upcoming version.
Thanks, Duane
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Just for poop and giggles check out Miles Jackson's Ridge lap on Youtube from a year or two back. In the 1:32's as I recall.