C-Note Racing Team Press Release-25 Hours of Thunderhill

"The overall team philosophy consists of four basic principles. In order of priority they are; 1. Have fun 2. Finish the race 3. Finish well in class, and 4. Finish well overall. These principles have proven themselves over the years, with the team finding success on multiple occasions beyond all expectations, or even the most optimistic hope."

I love it, the same thing Eric Krause uses on his team during the enduros.
In my mind the only way to go about it.

Good luck guys and have a blast!
Other Local (PDX) racers Tucker and Eric Blois are doing well in Qualify. There is a live streem that updates every couple minutes if you have nothing else to do tonight, you can check on the standings.

I should also note that there is a 2nd Eric on the team as well Eric Schwenter (sp?)


Look for "team bloising saddles"

Qualify is Friday afternoon
race starts 11:00 Am Saturday
race ends 12:00 Noon Sunday
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