Amateur Documentary of AAF and Retro at Thunderhill

Awesome film! Wonderful photography and music. Loved Shel Silverstein's poem at the end. Amazing start by Rick Delamare and nice job taking that guy's mirror off. Great driving by James, Cody, and Hank. Thanks, Hank, for another well-prepped AAF car and the prominently displayed Pro3 decal on the dash. Only question, why didn't they show Terry Overdiek's face when they interviewed him? Is he on the lam again? Despite being nearly blind at night, this really makes me want to drive, not just crew, in an enduro.
Jim Cissell Pro3 #319
Only question, why didn't they show Terry Overdiek's face when they interviewed him? Is he on the lam again?
Jim Cissell Pro3 #319

For 2 reasons:

1: I had done a previous interview with Terry right after the car came in with engine failure. It was a terrific interview, or at least it would have been if I actually had hit record. I didn't have the gall to ask him to repeat himself.

2: I had randomly set the tripod/camera up to get B-Roll of the engine/repair work and while that was happening Terry wandered over and we started chatting. It wasn't really until after (examining footage) that I realized the RODE Shotgun Mic mounted on the camera was turned on and did a damn good job of capturing the audio.

Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to do it again next year due to a family commitment next December but I'd like to something similar to help promote ICSCC.