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  1. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #15: "Driver Support Officer" is obsolete

    After a protest of the Steward's action, a driver is represented by an ad hoc member of Conference. Apparently, this was formerly the Driver Support Officer. However, that position has been since eradicated and is no longer specified by neither the Policies and Procedures manual, nor the...
  2. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposals: US Dollars Payment

    Any fine payable by a driver to Conference is payable in US Dollars. The rule book does not make this clear, so I've offered proposals #12, #13, #14, #16, and #17 to clarify payment currency. Remarkably, this specification is not present elsewhere.
  3. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #11: Failure of scales equipment

    This proposal is about the failure of the scales equipment during the race weekend. The scales see lots of abuse, and they're mechanical contraptions which can break or run out of batteries. When they've failed (because the batteries have drained, or because a driver has run over the plugs or...
  4. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #10: Scales disqualificiation

    This proposal just makes it clear that cars who don't report to scales will be disqualified, rather than "may be disqualified". Failure to report to scales, in practices, has always resulted in automatic disqualification -- there's really no judgment or interpretation involved.
  5. mikeblaszczak

    Feedback on Seattle Rain Rules

    The last race in Seattle is coming up, and traditional it rains hard for that date. Maybe we'll have 75 degrees and a light breeze, but maybe it will rain again. If it does, what are the opinions about shutting down passing on the front straight? Just to be clear, this isn't a vote -- the...
  6. mikeblaszczak

    Got Rules Proposals?

    According to the Policies and Procedures manual, section 6.1.2, I need to receive rule change proposals from each club by September 10, 2009. I have received lists from only two clubs -- one of which is to say that there is no list. Please make sure you meet your September 10 deadline...
  7. mikeblaszczak

    New Qualifying idea

    I've floated this past a few drivers, and I want to see how much support there is for it at large. Right now, we have qualifying on a per-group basis. You go out with everyone else in your group, try to set a good time, then come back in. The next group goes out. This isn't so efficient: it's...
  8. mikeblaszczak

    2009 RATS Meeting Announcement

    I've been having some trouble sending out the meeting announcement, so I'll post it here. You can download the PDF from my website, but the pertinent details are: Saturday February 28rd, 2008 9:30 am until early afternoon (or, when we’re done) at the Best Western Peppertree Auburn Inn...