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  1. mikeblaszczak

    ORP Friday Access?

    The race announcement doesn't say anything about it, but I don't think I'll be able to arrive, unchain, unpack, get dressed, and get inspected if the gates open at 7am and I'm on track in the first group at 830am. Will ORP be open for parking on Friday night? What about tech inspection? At what...
  2. mikeblaszczak

    Transponder Number?

    I don't see the transponder number on the race entry form. Is it no longer required? Edit: LOL, found it.
  3. mikeblaszczak

    Miata drivers off the hook

    Thank a Viper driver.
  4. mikeblaszczak

    Less Serious this Year

    I'm not Steward anymore, so I can be less serious. In fact, I'd like everyone to call me "Ocho-Nueve" this year. Thanks, and see you soon!
  5. mikeblaszczak

    Doernbecher Contact?

    It's time to make good on my wager to contribute $10 per clean race group this past year. Does anyone have a contact at Dorenbecher? Their "How do I help" page offers an address for submitting a gift, but I'd rather contact a real person, by name.
  6. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #38: AP has no minimum weight

    This change explains the fact that AP has no minimum race weight.
  7. mikeblaszczak


    Thanks for a great year. 5 championships decided in the last two events 0 calls to Life Flight 0 drivers in off-site ambulance trips 0 driver fistfights 0 tear-down protests 0 Fuel protests 6 totaled cars (uh, I think) in 12 races These aren't perfect, but they're really PFG. I was proud to...
  8. mikeblaszczak

    OMFG Rule Changes LOL!

    It's rule change season. Bill, Dave, and I have noted that in many instances, the rule book needs sharpening. We've submitted several rule change proposals this year, and to help foster conversation about the changes, I've opened a thread for each proposal in the Rule Changes area. Please...
  9. mikeblaszczak

    22009 Stewards Proposal #37: Production ratio

    This rule proposal corrects the language in the production category to specify the ratio of weight to horsepower (ie, 2000 pounds to 180 horsepower == 2000 / 180 == 11.1) rather than the incorrect horsepower to weight specification (ie, 180 horsepower to 2000 pounds == 0.9) be given. This clause...
  10. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #26: Brake lights

    This rule clarifies the current practice that at least one brake light be operating and visible on cars participating in ICSCC events.
  11. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #27: specialty towing equipment

    Some cars require towing equipment beyond a hook or loop-tow. This rule specifies that such cars shall present that equipment to the race chairman so that it is made available to emergency crew before the start of on-track activity. In practice, this happens every weekend. The changed rule...
  12. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #25: Rain lights

    This proposal requires that open wheel and Sports Racer cars have operable rain lights, rather than simply "recommending" the same. It also specifies when those lights shall be activated--the Steward will order start/finish to display a "LIGHTS" board for drivers. This may be done at the...
  13. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #31 and #32: clarifiy American Sedan Rules

    The rule book isn't clear about which version of the American Sedan rules shall be enforced. These two mutually exclusive proposals allow drivers to select whether the immediately previous year's rules, or the current year's rules, shall be enforced.
  14. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #24: noise limit

    A noise limit lower than the Conference standard is often specified by local supplemental regulations. However, the rule book does not specifically allow the Conference standard to be overridden by local ordinance.
  15. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #23: Primer paint

    This rule removes the requirement that cars not be painted in "primer". Matte and satin colors, as well as true primer paint, are variously popular. We belive that the intention of the rule is that unfinished cars are not acceptable aesthetically, and the suggested changed wording specifies cars...
  16. mikeblaszczak

    2209 Stewards Proposal #22: Lug bolt length

    This proposal offers a minimum safe length for lug bolts on cars so equipped. The proposal is intended to assure that wheels do not shear from their mountings, causing a situation dangerous to drivers and bystanders, alike.
  17. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #21: weight sticker

    This proposal softens the requirement of weight stickers on cars. Alternatives are allowed, though drivers are still "encouraged" to use a Conference sticker. This change perpetuates the savings in time realized by having weight information readily available and visible on the car at scales...
  18. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #20: inside net

    This rule recommends, but does not require, an inside safety net. Such a net prevents a driver involved in a traumatic collision from flailing around within the car, potentially incurring secondary injuries from striking parts of the car's interior or roll cage. The rule does not require such...
  19. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #19: SFI Belt Expiry

    This rule was promised by a Stewards Sopbox at the beginning of the year after the wording of the safety belt rule was changed at the Spring Meeting. SFI certification studies the decomposition of belts, but only simulates two years of wear. ICSCC is one of the few organizations that doesn't...
  20. mikeblaszczak

    2009 Stewards Proposal #18: Safety Equipment Worn

    This addition specifies when safety equipment, described elsewhere in the rules, must be worn. Remarkably, such common-sense guidance is absent from the rules and has been previously challenged after Steward action at the track.