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  1. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    AH, C'MON NOW!! I still don't see any pictures of Rick posted anywhere. Remember? He's the guy that won ICSCC Worker of the Year in 1984. There's got to be some record of him someplace. Anything in the META archives?
  2. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    "There was alot of bad feelings/perceptions trickling down amongst workers." I'm certain that is a somewhat wide, and considerably inaccurate statement if one were to step outside the confines of a CSCC Board, or General membership meeting. It had very little to do with the "workers". And...
  3. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    "...better for all concerned..." I don't think so, Bob. But somebody has to go out there, don't they? Turn workers are what? Flag/Communications/Safety Marshals? All we've done is trade our boots on the ground for boots in trucks. Nice work if you can get it. Nice trucks, if they can...
  4. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    Meet my friend He's a Trunk Monkey At least he was a Trunk Monkey when he got here. Notice the transformation? Now he's a Chump Monkey. Erik wanted us all in one pile. It was a good pile, I think. That Yellow truck went out first... a lot... I got to help sometimes. Dave couldn't keep...
  5. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    Up in Base Communications was the Clerk of the Chumps, Erik presenting himself to Bonnie, and Theresa this is Erik, Race Operations Chump. He caught me looking over his shoulder. So then it begins with cars going out to a FCYL to circulate. With feeling... At some point, when all...
  6. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    It all started real early in the morning Then a meeting broke out... So after that we went to stations.
  7. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    It was an invite, Bonnie. Not a challenge. But we that have been in the 'game' for many years have a tendency to look down our proboscus at programs that may not fit the mold of our personal training/experience to the exclusion of objective observation. I offer a solution. Come and play with...
  8. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    Grandpa Pettybone sez: "More important question is can it be put on the big screen at the ICSCC banquet??????" Fats sez: Negative. This unsanctioned action is not relevant to the ICSCC environment. Besides, do you suppose that we would get any out-takes from other Conference teams? It's a...
  9. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live @Kyle. I don't know for sure, but I don't think anybody took them up on their 'extra' classing for real race cars. And with 71 cars on the start, I'm pretty sure that nobody would want to expose themselves to the potential body damage (least case), just to compete in this...
  10. Ken Killam

    Chump Car racing live

    Chump Monkey Safety Team
  11. Ken Killam

    Question about a Proposed Rule Change for 2011

    "If it is well thought out, discussed and written properly then it will pass,..." I agree with that Wes. Disregarding the socialist blah-blah, because the whole 'club' thing IS a social system. Perhaps more, or less social to some than others. Registered voter apathy is not lost in our...
  12. Ken Killam

    PIR News

    I wonder if "The devil's in the details." is an appropriate context?
  13. Ken Killam

    Question about a Proposed Rule Change for 2011

    It's still possible for that rule to be manipulated into a more palatable state with the proper discussions during your clubs' drivers meeting, and have your representatives communicate to the Steward. Given options can soften any thoughts of the impending mandate when it gets to the Exec Bd...
  14. Ken Killam

    12 hour enduro

    It's all a matter of who you can afford to race with, and who you want to race with... or both. It's really two different motorsport events. I know that there's a whole 'non-desanctionable worker' team, as there was last year at the Chumpcar's first All Hallowed's Eve. Money goes where the...
  15. Ken Killam

    Calling all volunteers

    Don't everybody speak out at once. We don't want to waste any bandwidth. Is everybody already assigned? Where? I'm gonna try to stay close to the Cafe' du'r fetterman, but will be attempting to sample a bit of the fair/fare/flare as we get around. Wes, are you cookin'?
  16. Ken Killam

    Maximum grid size

    This subject has, in the past, been beaten into the bushes before. I was going to attempt to find an old thread that covered just about ever square millimeter of the subject, but the archives don't lend themselves to easy search. Or perhaps it was previous to the last datastraphy. I can't...
  17. Ken Killam

    12 hour enduro

    Here's the deal... If CSCC can muster 25+ entries, then we get have a second recovery vehicle in my tool box. Otherwise, just one lift tow truck. That second truck could be a tilt/flat/roll-back (which usually take a bit more time on-scene, but it's an enduro so who cares), or another lift...
  18. Ken Killam

    Attention all Race Workers

    Bottom line? Wes wasn't there either, but as things turned out it might have been a waste of his talents. Aside from the first round, of course. Holly was there however, and took the minutes. If they are to become available for public consumption, then that would be at the pleasure of our...
  19. Ken Killam

    ATTN All Race Entrants for the TC Oct Race

    "I have one of two choices — stay in the post office and go crazy ... or stay out here and play at writer and starve. I have decided to starve."--Bukowski Actually, I have never before today heard of Charles Bukowski. Thanks for the reference, Randy. You made me Wiki. Depending on which...
  20. Ken Killam

    Safety First?

    Safety costs money. Who ever is making the rules for these classes is obviously making every effort to control 'costs-in-class'. Or their drivers are just SO tough that they don't want anybody to think that they're anything like them sissified, pretty-boy, yurapeein-style, wiggly pavement jocks.