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  1. Ken Killam

    Senseless tragedy report: John Zupan Thanks for a generation long support of our great sport... and the strawberries. RIP
  2. Ken Killam

    Open Discussion involving Race starts

    Re-tread the thread? I did stop short of posting a provocative, yet tasteful example of my topic. Some credit there, Steve. After some time with humans she softened up. Wanna talk about green flags on turns to indicate a clear track beyond that station (which includes the Starter stand)...
  3. Ken Killam

    Open Discussion involving Race starts

    To be specific, I think we are speaking of the following concept/description of... <Please to excuse some formatting for my small mind to read what I'm trying to explain to an 18 YO kid that's just now trying to 'get it'.> 1501 B. White Flag1. Steady: Slow competitor is on the course. First...
  4. Ken Killam

    Now about that Group 2 black flag...

    It wasn't a stop everything situation, Richard. The track was not completely blocked, but to repair the tire wall after extracating the car, and the brooms that were needed to continue a race it was brought under control and stopped properly. Stopped on the front straight as was the call and...
  5. Ken Killam

    What a zoo!

    It's pretty convenient too, Duane. If you are going to 'stuff' it. Keep that stuff near the white/yellow w/flashy light trucks, please. Putting down right near in front of them is probably your best bet for a fast, "Are you okay?". Same for those that may happen to light some summered grass...
  6. Ken Killam

    Alive and well

    After a disturbing communication with one of our racers, it seems that somewhere has been hatched a false rumor that TC may be cancelling their event Sept 17-18, @ ORP. I was certain that this information stemmed from some ignorance of facts, so I made a phone call. I have confirmed with our...
  7. Ken Killam

    Great Weekend, NWMS

    Hugs!! "As the former Race Chairman for NWMS... " ;-/ I've heard THAT before. Your NWMS crew pulled it together despite the current repression. HUGS!!
  8. Ken Killam

    Safari to Spokanistan is sure so far, eh?

    This was sent out to some, if not all of concern, but I haven't seen it here yet so here's the latest BUZZ... "Hi everyone, The Spokane races are on !! GREAT weather is predicted - high 70's and sunshine. We are looking for experienced corner workers to continue to help train our local workers...
  9. Ken Killam


    Ding, ding, ding, ding! SEE? Now was that so hard? Thanks Scott. "His answer was that he needed some kind of approval," That's what the insurance company required to issue a 'certificate' of insurance. Thus certifying an approved facility. I think I've got it. So, approval may have been...
  10. Ken Killam


    Well I wouldn't bring it up except... It seems that Steve can be appointed as well as disappointed. Other than that, I believe that you have met-to-exceeded all other expectations. "3.23 WEB SITE EDITOR (renumbered Spring 2002) 3.23.1 Appointment The Web Site Editor shall be appointed by the...
  11. Ken Killam


    -\ Motorsports /- In as much trust and sportsmanship, it is always a matter of faithth-ah!
  12. Ken Killam

    Northwest Grand Prix at Spokane registration available now

    Two steps forward, one step back Go to page 1 of this thread for the quick link to the "Until we meet again and the case is sol-ved"
  13. Ken Killam

    And now for something completely different... PPIR - Portland ParkingLot International Raceway Event Info We're scheduled for August 27-28th. This doesn't leave much time for getting teams pulled together and signed up, so I could really use all of your help. If you're getting a team going for this, please SIGN...
  14. Ken Killam

    Triple Race Weekend at SCR

    So Kevin said, "ICSCC policy & Proceedures Manual 15.1.2 outlines the requirement of member clubs to have insurance in place 30 days prior to an event." So while I was waiting, it decided to key up a good book. Quite interesting reading, if you've a mind to. And the ICSCC policy & Procedures...
  15. Ken Killam

    Triple Race Weekend at SCR

    You make such a cute Doris Day, Lee
  16. Ken Killam

    Triple Race Weekend at SCR

    "For me, the greater the odds, the greater the shal-ahnje." "And as always, I accept the shal-ahnje."--answer at the bottom So these would be the threads to be refered to, then. From two years ago (Forum search capabilities used: Working backwards from the last page.) Oregon Raceway- is it a...
  17. Ken Killam

    Triple Race Weekend at SCR

    Thanks Steve. You're right we did go through this with ORP. The resolution to that, as I have come to understand, was a list of criteria created by a consultant that had the 'ordainment' of SCCA. And that's the point isn't it? To understand the process? So since education is the first step...
  18. Ken Killam

    Triple Race Weekend at SCR

    I'm interested in what criteria is dictated/mandated in the policy/contract with ICSCC to provide sanction at their events. Is this criteria for the safe construction/configuration of a racing circuit, in regards to the style of motorsports event to be run, documented? Is there a manual, an...
  19. Ken Killam

    It's not a title, or entitlement. It's a matter of being.

    Club level motorsports racing may well be considered amateur sport, but we are NOT obligated by any written doctrine, or philosophy to operate as amateurs. The FUN is in the success of an operation. The SUCCESS of the operation depends on the communication, the coordination, the cooperation of...
  20. Ken Killam

    Awarding position points for DNF

    Does this look dead to you? I'm not sure how my thumb's shadow got into the picture there. But maybe you'll get my point