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  1. Steve Adams

    New License Tiers (ARR vs. IRR)

    One nit I'll pick with Bruce's and your suggestions is that Conference doesn't actually put on the races and therefore can't waive Conference-associated fees from the Clubs' pockets.
  2. Steve Adams

    New License Tiers (ARR vs. IRR)

    Clarification appreciated (it's what I suspected) and I'm going to assume "someone" will be keeping their collective eye on whether new folks coming to race with us without first getting a doctor's sign-off (even if they never have to again) causes any issues. Thanks.
  3. Steve Adams

    New License Tiers (ARR vs. IRR)

    FWIW, my comment about Facebook was NOT in relation to Zoom or other video conferencing technology (aside from things forced upon us by the pandemic, I find video conferencing a way to potentially get more people involved in the meetings as the "cost of access" is so much lower, but that's...
  4. Steve Adams

    New License Tiers (ARR vs. IRR)

    Firstly, Rick, I wasn't arguing against YOU but the reasoning/logic you were putting forth to explain/justify the decision. One of the pitfalls of reporting is that you also become the "face" of what you're reporting... ;) Secondly, yes, absolutely, my time with Conference has been almost...
  5. Steve Adams

    New License Tiers (ARR vs. IRR)

    Don't you mean that Conference NO LONGER requires anyone to have a physical in conjunction with whatever rule change enabled the new version of the ARR license? I mean, tbh, I never would've gotten physicals as often as I have if not for the Conference requirement. I'll mention that Rick also...
  6. Steve Adams

    New License Tiers (ARR vs. IRR)

    I don't think the cost of a physical is the make-or-break issue (when I didn't have insurance, a physical only ran $110) or even a financial consideration, as Lucky Dog has other costs we don't. For one example, you MUST have a head-and-neck restraint and you MUST get it recertified per SFI's...
  7. Steve Adams

    New License Tiers (ARR vs. IRR)

    That's all well and good, Rick, but your response doesn't address the specific rationale for A) modifying the ARR license so it doesn't require a doctor's exam, or B) why the IRR has a sliding scale for exam frequency vis a vis participant age, much less what logic justifies the dichotomy...
  8. Steve Adams

    New License Tiers (ARR vs. IRR)

    I might've phrased it a little differently than Bruce, but the reality is that this licensing change means there's no incentive to bother with the time and expense of getting a physical if you have no intention of racing with anyone but Conference. What's really surprising to me with the change...
  9. Steve Adams

    Finalized 2021 Race Schedule

    I think it's their second attempt at doing a combined event, yes; first one was supposed to be this past summer. Looking forward to it!
  10. Steve Adams

    The 2020 Season - a few not-so-random thoughts

    And now it's been extended to July 21 :(
  11. Steve Adams

    CSCC Chicane Challenge is a GO!!!

    Thanks so much to those of you from Cascade, FOPIR, the track, and whoever else for working so hard for so long to make this possible. I can't wait!
  12. Steve Adams

    The 2020 Season - a few not-so-random thoughts

    Yes, a ban on non-essential, cross-border crossings has been extended to June 21.
  13. Steve Adams

    The 2020 Season - a few not-so-random thoughts

    That sounds an awful lot like the variance that Pacific Raceways said they were waiting for in order to reopen for selected events, such as the SCCA/SOVREN event next week-end that so many Conference members are signed up for. Edit: Well, maybe? The phrase "They conduct only those activities...
  14. Steve Adams

    The 2020 Season - a few not-so-random thoughts

    Just saw a Reuters article that the US/Canada are close to confirming a 30-day extension to the border closure, which would put it at June 21st.
  15. Steve Adams

    The 2020 Season - a few not-so-random thoughts

    The GM of Pacific Raceways just posted a message about how they're planning to reopen for events while still following various guidelines for keeping everyone uninfected. A few of the more interesting specifics, from a purely "how's THAT gonna work" perspective (IMO) were: A minimum of four pit...
  16. Steve Adams

    The 2020 Season - a few not-so-random thoughts

    And now IRDC has canceled their mid-May race. I heard that NWMS had canceled their June race, too, so... Father's Day in Portland? Maybe?
  17. Steve Adams

    The 2020 Season - a few not-so-random thoughts

    At a press conference today, the Canadian PM said the border closure has been extended for at least another 30 days.
  18. Steve Adams


    That really sucks, but is also not unexpected. That said, I do sincerely hope that the next Cascade race, whenever it is, is also dedicated to Gary.
  19. Steve Adams

    The 2020 Season - a few not-so-random thoughts

    I was right with ya, Bruce, until Bob came and (accurately) pooped all over it. <sigh> This is all very depressing... after too many years away, I NEED my racing fix. I tell ya, COVID-19 is gonna have to get some sort of honorable mention in iRacing's annual report...
  20. Steve Adams

    A short article on the necessity of social isolation orders... it's about the spread, not the symptoms

    (By the way, I didn't post this here because I think y'all are dim and needed to have it explained so much as I needed to get it off my chest and had nowhere else to put it. Believe me, I'm really, really hoping Conference can figure out a way to get our season started on time.)